Computing joint entropies exactly or by using importance sampling

This module helps compute joint entropies for dependent categorical variables given via a density $p((y_i)_i|w))$ in the Bayesian setting. We compute the density $p((y_i)_i)$ by marginalizing over $w$.

Two cases are implemented:

  • exact joint entropies (which works for up 5 to joint variables depending on memory and # of classes);
  • estimated joint entropies using importance sampling of configurations.

Note: "exact" based on the given draws of $w$. They are still an approximation because we do not integrate over $w$ but use Monte-Carlo samples.

Number of inference samples K:

K = 20
import torch
from toma import toma
from import tqdm

To run tests, we need a few sampled distributions.

import numpy as np

def get_mixture_prob_dist(p1, p2, m):
    return (1.0 - m) * np.asarray(p1) + m * np.asarray(p2)

p1 = [0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5]
p2 = [0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2]
y1_ws = [get_mixture_prob_dist(p1, p2, m) for m in np.linspace(0, 1, K)]

p1 = [0.1, 0.6, 0.2, 0.1]
p2 = [0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0]
y2_ws = [get_mixture_prob_dist(p1, p2, m) for m in np.linspace(0, 1, K)]

def nested_to_tensor(*l):
    return torch.stack(list(map(torch.as_tensor, l)))

ys_ws = nested_to_tensor(y1_ws, y2_ws, y1_ws, y2_ws, y1_ws, y2_ws, y1_ws, y2_ws)

JointEntropy interface

Before we look at any implementations, we want to define an interface that we want to support.

class JointEntropy[source]


Random variables (all with the same # of categories $C$) can be added via JointEntropy.add_variables.

JointEntropy.compute computes the joint entropy.

JointEntropy.compute_batch computes the joint entropy of the added variables with each of the variables in the provided batch probabilities in turn.



Expands the joint entropy to include more terms.



Computes the entropy of this joint entropy.


JointEntropy.compute_batch(log_probs_B_K_C:Tensor, output_entropies_B=None)

Computes the joint entropy of the added variables together with the batch (one by one).

Exact Joint Entropies

To compute exact joint entropies, we have to compute all possible configurations of the $y_i$ and evaluate $p(y_1, \dots, y_n)$ by averaging over $p(y_1, \dots, y_n|w)$.

The number of samples $M=C^N$, where $N$ is the number of variables in the joint and $C$ is the number of classes.

For this, we provide a class ExactJointEntropy that takes $K$ and starts with no variables in the joint.

In the Paper

Version in the paper


class ExactJointEntropy[source]

ExactJointEntropy(joint_probs_M_K:Tensor) :: JointEntropy

Random variables (all with the same # of categories $C$) can be added via JointEntropy.add_variables.

JointEntropy.compute computes the joint entropy.

JointEntropy.compute_batch computes the joint entropy of the added variables with each of the variables in the provided batch probabilities in turn.

class ExactJointEntropy(JointEntropy):
    joint_probs_M_K: torch.Tensor

    def __init__(self, joint_probs_M_K: torch.Tensor):
        self.joint_probs_M_K = joint_probs_M_K

    def empty(K: int, device=None, dtype=None) -> "ExactJointEntropy":
        return ExactJointEntropy(torch.ones((1, K), device=device, dtype=dtype))

    def compute(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        probs_M = torch.mean(self.joint_probs_M_K, dim=1, keepdim=False)
        nats_M = -torch.log(probs_M) * probs_M
        entropy = torch.sum(nats_M)
        return entropy

    def add_variables(self, log_probs_N_K_C: torch.Tensor) -> "ExactJointEntropy":
        assert self.joint_probs_M_K.shape[1] == log_probs_N_K_C.shape[1]

        N, K, C = log_probs_N_K_C.shape
        joint_probs_K_M_1 = self.joint_probs_M_K.t()[:, :, None]

        probs_N_K_C = log_probs_N_K_C.exp()

        # Using lots of memory.
        for i in range(N):
            probs_i__K_1_C = probs_N_K_C[i][:, None, :].to(joint_probs_K_M_1, non_blocking=True)
            joint_probs_K_M_C = joint_probs_K_M_1 * probs_i__K_1_C
            joint_probs_K_M_1 = joint_probs_K_M_C.reshape((K, -1, 1))

        self.joint_probs_M_K = joint_probs_K_M_1.squeeze(2).t()
        return self

    def compute_batch(self, log_probs_B_K_C: torch.Tensor, output_entropies_B=None):
        assert self.joint_probs_M_K.shape[1] == log_probs_B_K_C.shape[1]

        B, K, C = log_probs_B_K_C.shape
        M = self.joint_probs_M_K.shape[0]

        if output_entropies_B is None:
            output_entropies_B = torch.empty(B, dtype=log_probs_B_K_C.dtype, device=log_probs_B_K_C.device)

        pbar = tqdm(total=B, desc="ExactJointEntropy.compute_batch", leave=False)

        @toma.execute.chunked(log_probs_B_K_C, initial_step=1024, dimension=0)
        def chunked_joint_entropy(chunked_log_probs_b_K_C: torch.Tensor, start: int, end: int):
            chunked_probs_b_K_C = chunked_log_probs_b_K_C.exp()
            b = chunked_probs_b_K_C.shape[0]

            probs_b_M_C = torch.empty(
                (b, M, C),
            for i in range(b):
                    chunked_probs_b_K_C[i].to(self.joint_probs_M_K, non_blocking=True),
            probs_b_M_C /= K

                torch.sum(-torch.log(probs_b_M_C) * probs_b_M_C, dim=(1, 2)),

            pbar.update(end - start)


        return output_entropies_B


ExactJointEntropy.empty(K:int, device=None, dtype=None)



Expands the joint entropy to include more terms.



Computes the entropy of this joint entropy.


ExactJointEntropy.compute_batch(log_probs_B_K_C:Tensor, output_entropies_B=None)

Computes the joint entropy of the added variables together with the batch (one by one).


joint_entropy = ExactJointEntropy.empty(K, dtype=torch.double)
entropy = joint_entropy.add_variables(ys_ws[:4].log()).compute()
assert np.isclose(entropy, 4.6479, atol=0.1)
tensor(4.6479, dtype=torch.float64)
joint_entropy = ExactJointEntropy.empty(K, dtype=torch.float)
entropy = joint_entropy.add_variables(ys_ws[:4].log()).compute()
assert np.isclose(entropy, 4.6479, atol=0.1)
joint_entropy = ExactJointEntropy.empty(K, dtype=torch.float)
entropies = joint_entropy.add_variables(ys_ws[:4].log()).compute_batch(ys_ws.log())
assert np.allclose(entropies, [5.9735, 5.6362, 5.9735, 5.6362, 5.9735, 5.6362, 5.9735, 5.6362])
tensor([5.9735, 5.6362, 5.9735, 5.6362, 5.9735, 5.6362, 5.9735, 5.6362],

Sampled Joint Entropies

To compute approximate joint entropies, we have to sample possible configurations of the $y_i$ from $p(y_1, \dots, y_n|w)$ stratified by $p(w)$ and evaluate $p(y_1, \dots, y_n)$ by averaging over $p(y_1, \dots, y_n|w)$.

The number of samples is $M$, so we use $\frac{M}{K}$ samples per $w$.

For this, we provide a class SampledJointEntropy that takes $K$ and $M$, and implements the 'JointEntropy' interface.

To sample, we need a few helper functions.


batch_multi_choices(probs_b_C, M:int)

probs_b_C: Ni... x C

Returns: choices: Ni... x M


gather_expand(data, dim, index)

def batch_multi_choices(probs_b_C, M: int):
    probs_b_C: Ni... x C

        choices: Ni... x M
    probs_B_C = probs_b_C.reshape((-1, probs_b_C.shape[-1]))

    # samples: Ni... x draw_per_xx
    choices = torch.multinomial(probs_B_C, num_samples=M, replacement=True)

    choices_b_M = choices.reshape(list(probs_b_C.shape[:-1]) + [M])
    return choices_b_M

def gather_expand(data, dim, index):
    if gather_expand.DEBUG_CHECKS:
        assert len(data.shape) == len(index.shape)
        assert all(dr == ir or 1 in (dr, ir) for dr, ir in zip(data.shape, index.shape))

    max_shape = [max(dr, ir) for dr, ir in zip(data.shape, index.shape)]
    new_data_shape = list(max_shape)
    new_data_shape[dim] = data.shape[dim]

    new_index_shape = list(max_shape)
    new_index_shape[dim] = index.shape[dim]

    data = data.expand(new_data_shape)
    index = index.expand(new_index_shape)

    return torch.gather(data, dim, index)

gather_expand.DEBUG_CHECKS = False

In the Paper

Version in the paper


class SampledJointEntropy[source]

SampledJointEntropy(sampled_joint_probs_M_K:Tensor) :: JointEntropy

Random variables (all with the same # of categories $C$) can be added via SampledJointEntropy.add_variables.

SampledJointEntropy.compute computes the joint entropy.

SampledJointEntropy.compute_batch computes the joint entropy of the added variables with each of the variables in the provided batch probabilities in turn.

class SampledJointEntropy(JointEntropy):
    """Random variables (all with the same # of categories $C$) can be added via `SampledJointEntropy.add_variables`.

    `SampledJointEntropy.compute` computes the joint entropy.

    `SampledJointEntropy.compute_batch` computes the joint entropy of the added variables with each of the variables in the provided batch probabilities in turn."""

    sampled_joint_probs_M_K: torch.Tensor

    def __init__(self, sampled_joint_probs_M_K: torch.Tensor):
        self.sampled_joint_probs_M_K = sampled_joint_probs_M_K

    def empty(K: int, device=None, dtype=None) -> "SampledJointEntropy":
        return SampledJointEntropy(torch.ones((1, K), device=device, dtype=dtype))

    def sample(probs_N_K_C: torch.Tensor, M: int) -> "SampledJointEntropy":
        K = probs_N_K_C.shape[1]

        # S: num of samples per w
        S = M // K

        choices_N_K_S = batch_multi_choices(probs_N_K_C, S).long()

        expanded_choices_N_1_K_S = choices_N_K_S[:, None, :, :]
        expanded_probs_N_K_1_C = probs_N_K_C[:, :, None, :]

        probs_N_K_K_S = gather_expand(expanded_probs_N_K_1_C, dim=-1, index=expanded_choices_N_1_K_S)
        # exp sum log seems necessary to avoid 0s?
        probs_K_K_S = torch.exp(torch.sum(torch.log(probs_N_K_K_S), dim=0, keepdim=False))
        samples_K_M = probs_K_K_S.reshape((K, -1))

        samples_M_K = samples_K_M.t()
        return SampledJointEntropy(samples_M_K)

    def compute(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        sampled_joint_probs_M = torch.mean(self.sampled_joint_probs_M_K, dim=1, keepdim=False)
        nats_M = -torch.log(sampled_joint_probs_M)
        entropy = torch.mean(nats_M)
        return entropy

    def add_variables(self, log_probs_N_K_C: torch.Tensor, M2: int) -> "SampledJointEntropy":
        assert self.sampled_joint_probs_M_K.shape[1] == log_probs_N_K_C.shape[1]

        sample_K_M1_1 = self.sampled_joint_probs_M_K.t()[:, :, None]

        new_sample_M2_K = self.sample(log_probs_N_K_C.exp(), M2).sampled_joint_probs_M_K
        new_sample_K_1_M2 = new_sample_M2_K.t()[:, None, :]

        merged_sample_K_M1_M2 = sample_K_M1_1 * new_sample_K_1_M2
        merged_sample_K_M = merged_sample_K_M1_M2.reshape((K, -1))

        self.sampled_joint_probs_M_K = merged_sample_K_M.t()

        return self

    def compute_batch(self, log_probs_B_K_C: torch.Tensor, output_entropies_B=None):
        assert self.sampled_joint_probs_M_K.shape[1] == log_probs_B_K_C.shape[1]

        B, K, C = log_probs_B_K_C.shape
        M = self.sampled_joint_probs_M_K.shape[0]

        if output_entropies_B is None:
            output_entropies_B = torch.empty(B, dtype=log_probs_B_K_C.dtype, device=log_probs_B_K_C.device)

        pbar = tqdm(total=B, desc="SampledJointEntropy.compute_batch", leave=False)

        @toma.execute.chunked(log_probs_B_K_C, initial_step=1024, dimension=0)
        def chunked_joint_entropy(chunked_log_probs_b_K_C: torch.Tensor, start: int, end: int):
            b = chunked_log_probs_b_K_C.shape[0]

            probs_b_M_C = torch.empty(
                (b, M, C),
            for i in range(b):
                    chunked_log_probs_b_K_C[i].to(self.sampled_joint_probs_M_K, non_blocking=True).exp(),
            probs_b_M_C /= K

            q_1_M_1 = self.sampled_joint_probs_M_K.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)[None]

                torch.sum(-torch.log(probs_b_M_C) * probs_b_M_C / q_1_M_1, dim=(1, 2)) / M,

            pbar.update(end - start)


        return output_entropies_B


SampledJointEntropy.empty(K:int, device=None, dtype=None)


SampledJointEntropy.sample(probs_N_K_C:Tensor, M:int)



Computes the entropy of this joint entropy.


SampledJointEntropy.add_variables(log_probs_N_K_C:Tensor, M2:int)

Expands the joint entropy to include more terms.


SampledJointEntropy.compute_batch(log_probs_B_K_C:Tensor, output_entropies_B=None)

Computes the joint entropy of the added variables together with the batch (one by one).


joint_entropy = SampledJointEntropy.empty(K, dtype=torch.double)
entropy = joint_entropy.add_variables(ys_ws[:4].log(), 100000).compute()

assert np.isclose(entropy, 4.6479, atol=0.1)
tensor(4.6472, dtype=torch.float64)
joint_entropy = SampledJointEntropy.empty(K, dtype=torch.double)
entropy = joint_entropy.add_variables(ys_ws[:4].log(), 100000).compute()

assert np.isclose(entropy, 4.6479, atol=0.1)
tensor(4.6458, dtype=torch.float64)
joint_entropy = SampledJointEntropy.empty(K, dtype=torch.float)
entropies = joint_entropy.add_variables(ys_ws[:4].log(), 10000).compute_batch(ys_ws.log())

assert np.allclose(
    [5.9735, 5.6362, 5.9735, 5.6362, 5.9735, 5.6362, 5.9735, 5.6362],

SampledJointEntropy.compute_batch:   0%|          | 0/8 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-45-b24b357fb3de> in <module>
      1 joint_entropy = SampledJointEntropy.empty(K, dtype=torch.float)
----> 2 entropies = joint_entropy.add_variables(ys_ws[:4].log(), 10000).compute_batch(ys_ws.log())
      4 print(entropies)
      5 assert np.allclose(

<ipython-input-43-ae113234e04b> in compute_batch(self, log_probs_B_K_C, output_entropies_B)
     72         @toma.execute.chunked(log_probs_B_K_C, initial_step=1024, dimension=0)
     73         @torch.jit.script
---> 74         def chunked_joint_entropy(chunked_log_probs_b_K_C: torch.Tensor, start: int, end: int):
     75             M = self.sampled_joint_probs_M_K.shape[0]

~/anaconda3/envs/active_learning/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/jit/ in script(obj, optimize, _frames_up, _rcb)
    937         if _rcb is None:
    938             _rcb = _jit_internal.createResolutionCallbackFromClosure(obj)
--> 939         fn = torch._C._jit_script_compile(
    940             qualified_name, ast, _rcb, get_default_args(obj)
    941         )

attribute lookup is not defined on python value of type 'SampledJointEntropy':
  File "<ipython-input-43-ae113234e04b>", line 75
        def chunked_joint_entropy(chunked_log_probs_b_K_C: torch.Tensor, start: int, end: int):            
            M = self.sampled_joint_probs_M_K.shape[0]
                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE
            b, K, C = chunked_log_probs_b_K_C.shape[0]

Dynamically chooses JointEntropy Method

Finally, we want to be able to dynamically pick either class depending on the maximum number of samples we want. (And also resample if necessary as we add variables.)

class DynamicJointEntropy[source]

DynamicJointEntropy(M:int, max_N:int, K:int, C:int, dtype=None, device=None) :: JointEntropy

Random variables (all with the same # of categories $C$) can be added via JointEntropy.add_variables.

JointEntropy.compute computes the joint entropy.

JointEntropy.compute_batch computes the joint entropy of the added variables with each of the variables in the provided batch probabilities in turn.

class DynamicJointEntropy(JointEntropy):
    inner: JointEntropy
    log_probs_max_N_K_C: torch.Tensor
    N: int
    M: int

    def __init__(self, M: int, max_N: int, K: int, C: int, dtype=None, device=None):
        self.M = M
        self.N = 0
        self.max_N = max_N

        self.inner = ExactJointEntropy.empty(K, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        self.log_probs_max_N_K_C = torch.empty((max_N, K, C), dtype=dtype, device=device)

    def add_variables(self, log_probs_N_K_C: torch.Tensor) -> "DynamicJointEntropy":
        C = self.log_probs_max_N_K_C.shape[2]
        add_N = log_probs_N_K_C.shape[0]

        assert self.log_probs_max_N_K_C.shape[0] >= self.N + add_N
        assert self.log_probs_max_N_K_C.shape[2] == C

        self.log_probs_max_N_K_C[self.N : self.N + add_N] = log_probs_N_K_C
        self.N += add_N

        num_exact_samples = C ** self.N
        if num_exact_samples > self.M:
            self.inner = SampledJointEntropy.sample(self.log_probs_max_N_K_C[: self.N].exp(), self.M)

        return self

    def compute(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        return self.inner.compute()

    def compute_batch(self, log_probs_B_K_C: torch.Tensor, output_entropies_B=None) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Computes the joint entropy of the added variables together with the batch (one by one)."""
        return self.inner.compute_batch(log_probs_B_K_C, output_entropies_B)



Expands the joint entropy to include more terms.


DynamicJointEntropy.compute_batch(log_probs_B_K_C:Tensor, output_entropies_B=None)

Computes the joint entropy of the added variables together with the batch (one by one).


joint_entropy = DynamicJointEntropy(256, 8, K, 4, dtype=torch.double)
entropy = joint_entropy.add_variables(ys_ws[:4].log()).compute()

assert np.isclose(entropy, 4.6479, atol=0.1)
tensor(4.6479, dtype=torch.float64)
assert type(joint_entropy.inner) == ExactJointEntropy
entropy = joint_entropy.add_variables(ys_ws[4:].log()).compute()

assert np.isclose(entropy, 9.2756, atol=0.5)
tensor(9.1794, dtype=torch.float64)
assert type(joint_entropy.inner) == SampledJointEntropy