Comprehensive Overview
\[ \require{mathtools} \DeclareMathOperator{\opExpectation}{\mathbb{E}} \newcommand{\E}[2]{\opExpectation_{#1} \left [ #2 \right ]} \newcommand{\simpleE}[1]{\opExpectation_{#1}} \newcommand{\implicitE}[1]{\opExpectation \left [ #1 \right ]} \DeclareMathOperator{\opVar}{\mathrm{Var}} \newcommand{\Var}[2]{\opVar_{#1} \left [ #2 \right ]} \newcommand{\implicitVar}[1]{\opVar \left [ #1 \right ]} \newcommand\MidSymbol[1][]{% \:#1\:} \newcommand{\given}{\MidSymbol[\vert]} \DeclareMathOperator{\opmus}{\mu^*} \newcommand{\IMof}[1]{\opmus[#1]} \DeclareMathOperator{\opInformationContent}{H} \newcommand{\ICof}[1]{\opInformationContent[#1]} \newcommand{\xICof}[1]{\opInformationContent(#1)} \newcommand{\sicof}[1]{h(#1)} \DeclareMathOperator{\opEntropy}{H} \newcommand{\Hof}[1]{\opEntropy[#1]} \newcommand{\xHof}[1]{\opEntropy(#1)} \DeclareMathOperator{\opMI}{I} \newcommand{\MIof}[1]{\opMI[#1]} \DeclareMathOperator{\opTC}{TC} \newcommand{\TCof}[1]{\opTC[#1]} \newcommand{\CrossEntropy}[2]{\opEntropy(#1 \MidSymbol[\Vert] #2)} \DeclareMathOperator{\opKale}{D_\mathrm{KL}} \newcommand{\Kale}[2]{\opKale(#1 \MidSymbol[\Vert] #2)} \DeclareMathOperator{\opJSD}{D_\mathrm{JSD}} \newcommand{\JSD}[2]{\opJSD(#1 \MidSymbol[\Vert] #2)} \DeclareMathOperator{\opp}{p} \newcommand{\pof}[1]{\opp(#1)} \newcommand{\pcof}[2]{\opp_{#1}(#2)} \newcommand{\hpcof}[2]{\hat\opp_{#1}(#2)} \DeclareMathOperator{\opq}{q} \newcommand{\qof}[1]{\opq(#1)} \newcommand{\qcof}[2]{\opq_{#1}(#2)} \newcommand{\varHof}[2]{\opEntropy_{#1}[#2]} \newcommand{\xvarHof}[2]{\opEntropy_{#1}(#2)} \newcommand{\varMIof}[2]{\opMI_{#1}[#2]} \DeclareMathOperator{\opf}{f} \newcommand{\fof}[1]{\opf(#1)} \newcommand{\indep}{\perp\!\!\!\!\perp} \newcommand{\Y}{Y} \newcommand{\y}{y} \newcommand{\X}{\boldsymbol{X}} \newcommand{\x}{\boldsymbol{x}} \newcommand{\w}{\boldsymbol{\theta}} \newcommand{\W}{\boldsymbol{\Theta}} \newcommand{\wstar}{\boldsymbol{\theta^*}} \newcommand{\D}{\mathcal{D}} \newcommand{\HofHessian}[1]{\opEntropy''[#1]} \newcommand{\specialHofHessian}[2]{\opEntropy''_{#1}[#2]} \newcommand{\HofJacobian}[1]{\opEntropy'[#1]} \newcommand{\specialHofJacobian}[2]{\opEntropy'_{#1}[#2]} \newcommand{\indicator}[1]{\mathbb{1}\left[#1\right]} \]
The need for uncertainty in ML models stems from several critical factors.
Uncertainty is a natural measure of informativeness in active learning:
Key Insight
Uncertainty helps us find the decision boundary - where the model is most uncertain is where we need labels most.
Consider a binary classification problem:
This motivates uncertainty sampling and its variants as acquisition functions.
Consider multiple valid hypotheses that explain our training data:
Key Insight
Even when a model expresses uncertainty through probabilities, there can be uncertainty about those probabilities, too. Different valid hypotheses (decision boundaries) that explain our training data can assign very different confidence values to the same point.
This highlights why we need:
What do we want from our deep learning models?
Methods for BNNs:
Three key principles that distinguish the Bayesian approach:
Principle | Realization |
Probability as degrees of belief | Everything is a R.V. |
Parameters as random variables | Parameter distribution: \(\pof{\w}\) |
Training data as evidence | Data likelihood: \(\pof{\D \given \w}\) |
Learning is Bayesian inference | Update beliefs: \(\pof{\w \given \D}\) |
Prediction via marginalization | Average over parameters: \(\E{\pof{\w}}{\pof{y \given x,\w}}\) |
Both the model parameters \(\w\) and the outputs \(\y\) for a given input \(\x\) are random variables. The joint distribution is defined as:
\[ \pof{\y, \w \given \x} = \pof{\y \given \x, \w} \pof{\w} \]
What it’s NOT: Frequentist
Probability as long-run frequency of events
What it’s NOT
Point estimation (MLE/MAP):
\[ \underbrace{\pof{\w \given \D}}_{\text{posterior}} = \frac{\overbrace{\pof{\D \given \w}}^{\text{likelihood}} \; \overbrace{\pof{\w}}^{\text{prior}}}{\underbrace{\pof{\D}}_{\substack{\text{marginal likelihood} \\ \text{("evidence")}}}} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} \pof{y \given x,\D} &= \E{\pof{\w \given \D}}{\pof{y \given x, \w}} \\ &= \int \pof{y \given x,\w}\pof{\w \given \D}d\w \end{aligned} \]
What it’s NOT
Plug-in prediction:
Frequentist Statistics
Just Using Bayes’ Rule
Merely Adding Priors
Only for Simple Models
Parameter uncertainty: instead of \(\w^*\), use \(\pof{\w}\)
Start with prior beliefs \(\pof{\w}\)
Instead of optimizing the likelihood, update beliefs using data likelihood \(\pof{\D \given \w}\):
\[ \w^* = \arg \max_\w \pof{\D \given \w} \text{ vs. } \pof{\w \given \D} \]
Instead of point predictions, predict via marginalization:
\[ \pof{y \given x, \D} = \E{\pof{\w \given \D}}{\pof{y \given x,\w}} \]
How can we measure informativeness when we have a parameter distribution that captures our beliefs?
\(\equiv\) mutual information between model parameters and data:
\[ \MIof{\W; \Y \given \x} = \Hof{\W} - \Hof{\W \given \Y, \x}. \]
This is known as the Expected Information Gain (EIG).
Definition 1 The expected information gain is the mutual information between the model parameters \(\W\) and the prediction \(\Y\) given a new data point \(\x\) and already labeled data \(\D\):
\[ \MIof{\W; \Y \given \x, \D} = \Hof{\W \given \D} - \E{\pof{\y \given \x, \D}}{\Hof{\W \given \D, \y, \x}}. \]
Information Diagram
The overlapping region shows the mutual information between model parameters \(\W\) and predictions \(\Y\) given input \(\x\) and dataset \(\D\). This represents how much uncertainty about the predictions would be reduced if we knew the true parameters.
The Expected Information Gain (EIG) has deep roots in experimental design:
Historical Impact
These works established that selecting experiments to maximize information gain provides a principled approach to scientific discovery and machine learning.
Lindley (1956): “On a Measure of Information Provided by an Experiment”
Box and Hill (1967): “Discrimination Between Mechanistic Models”
MacKay (1992) : “Information-Based Objective Functions for Active Learning”
Bayesian Active Learning by Disagreement (BALD) provides a tractable approximation:
\[ \begin{aligned} \MIof{\W; \Y \given \x, \D} &= \MIof{\Y; \W \given \x, \D} \\ &= \Hof{\Y \given \x, \D} - \E{\pof{\w \given \D}}{\Hof{\Y \given \x, \w}}. \end{aligned} \]
Key Advantage
BALD requires only expectations over the model’s predictive distribution rather than explicit parameter uncertainty, making it more computationally feasible.
Two fundamental types of uncertainty:
Binary classification with overlapping regions and missing data
Key Regions in the Plots
Unambiguous Data Region:
No Data Region (±2):
Ambiguous Data Regions $[3.5, 4.5]:
Epistemic uncertainty and generalization are both shaped by our model’s inductive biases.
Key Insights
Epistemic uncertainty and generalization are both shaped by our model’s inductive biases.
Key Insights
Aleatoric Uncertainty
Example: Measurement noise in sensors
Epistemic Uncertainty
Example: Predictions far from training data
Key Insight
Epistemic uncertainty decreases as we add more training data, while the true aleatoric uncertainty is independent of the model.
Total uncertainty can be decomposed using information theory:
\[ \underbrace{\Hof{\Y \given \x}}_{\text{total uncertainty}} = \underbrace{\MIof{\Y; \W \given \x}}_{\text{epistemic}} + \underbrace{\Hof{Y \given \x, \W}}_{\text{aleatoric}} \]
Key Insight
This decomposition separates uncertainty into:
The mutual information term \(\MIof{Y; \W \given x}\) measures:
Key Regions
Unambiguous points (-6–-4):
No data region (-2–2):
Ambiguous points points (3.5–4.5):
\[ \underbrace{\Hof{\Y \given \x}}_{\text{total}} = \underbrace{\MIof{\Y; \W \given \x}}_{\text{epistemic}} + \underbrace{\E{\pof{\w \given \D}}{\Hof{\Y \given \x, \w}}}_{\text{aleatoric}} \]
TL;DR: It’s the best we can do.
The model is well-specified: the true model is in our model class, so there are \(\w^{\text{true}}\) that generated the data.
Assume our beliefs \(\pof{\w}\) are rational and reflect the best we can do: otherwise, we would pick a different parameter distribution.
\[ \E{\pof{\w}}{\Kale{\pof{\Y \given \x, \w}}{\qof{\Y \given \x}}}, \]
captures how much worse any \(\qof{\y \given \x}\) is than the true (but unknown) model \(\pof{\y \given \x, \w^{\text{true}}}\) in expectation according to our beliefs \(\pof{\w}\).
We have:
\[ \begin{aligned} \E{\pof{\w}}{\Kale{\pof{\Y \given \x, \w}}{\qof{\Y \given \x}}} &= \E{\pof{\w}}{\CrossEntropy{\pof{\Y \given \x, \w}}{\qof{\Y \given \x}}} \\ &\phantom{=} - \E{\pof{\w}}{\xHof{\pof{\Y \given \x, \w}}} \\ &= \CrossEntropy{\E{\pof{\w}}{\pof{\Y \given \x, \w}}}{\qof{\Y \given \x}} \\ &\phantom{=} - \xHof{\pof{\Y \given \x, \W}} \\ &= \CrossEntropy{\pof{\Y \given \x}}{\qof{\Y \given \x}} \\ &\phantom{=} - \xHof{\pof{\Y \given \x, \W}} \\ &\ge \xHof{\pof{\Y \given \x}} - \xHof{\pof{\Y \given \x, \W}} \\ &= \MIof{\Y ; \W \given \x}. \end{aligned} \]
This shows that the Bayesian model average is the best we can do: it minimizes the expected prediction error according to our beliefs. We can’t do better than this.
We also see: the expected information gain/epistemic uncertainty is a lower bound on the expected loss divergence between the true model and our predictions.
…or how to visualize predictions as points in the probability simplex.
A neural network’s softmax output may look like a probability distribution:
# Prediction for a single image
logits = model(x)
probs = softmax(logits)
>>> [0.05, 0.92, 0.03] # Sums to 1
But this is still just a point estimate - a single point in the probability simplex:
\[ \Delta^{n-1} = \left\{ p \in \mathbb{R}^n : \sum_{i=1}^n p_i = 1, p_i \geq 0 \right\}. \]
A few visualiations to understand the probability simplex, the concavity of the entropy, and the margin scores better…
Epistemic uncertainty ≙ reducible with more data
\(\overset{?}{\implies}\) use sample density \(\pof{x}\) to estimate uncertainty
But what about generalization to new inputs?
\[ \underbrace{X}_{\text{inputs}} \xrightarrow[\text{encoder}]{f(\cdot;\theta)} \underbrace{Z}_{\text{latents}} \xrightarrow[\text{classifier}]{\text{linear} + \text{softmax}} \underbrace{Y}_{\text{outputs}} \]
\(\overset{?}{\implies}\) use feature-space density \(\pof{f(x)}\) to estimate uncertainty?
Density-based uncertainty leverages feature space density to estimate uncertainty:
Key components:
class DDU(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.model = SpectralNormNet(classifier = SoftmaxClassifier())
self.density_estimator = ClassConditionalGMM()
self.density_ecdf = None
def fit(self, X, y):, y)
latents = self.model.encode(X)
densities =, y).score_samples(latents)
self.density_ecdf = scipy.stats.ecdf(densities).cdf.evaluate
def predict(self, X):
latents = self.model.encode(X)
density = self.density_estimator.score_samples(latents)
density_quantile = self.density_ecdf(density)
return self.model.classify(latents), density_quantile
import numpy as np
import scipy.special
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
class ClassConditionalGMM:
gmms: list[GaussianMixture] = field(default_factory=list)
class_priors: list[float] = field(default_factory=list)
classes: list[int] = field(default_factory=list)
counts: list[int] = field(default_factory=list)
def fit(self, X, y, seed=42):
"""Fit the class-conditional GMMs to the data."""
self.classes, self.counts = np.unique(y, return_counts=True)
total_samples = len(y)
for c, count in zip(self.classes, self.counts):
X_c = X[y == c]
gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=1, random_state=seed)
self.class_priors.append(count / total_samples)
return self
def score_samples(self, X):
"""Compute the log-density for each sample in X."""
log_class_densities = []
for gmm, prior in zip(self.gmms, self.class_priors):
log_class_density = gmm.score_samples(X)
log_class_densities.append(log_class_density + np.log(prior))
log_densities = scipy.special.logsumexp(log_class_densities, axis=0)
return log_densities
: ExampleSimpleDDU
(no features)import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
class SimpleDDU:
def __init__(self):
self.classifier = LogisticRegression()
self.density_estimator = ClassConditionalGMM()
self.density_ecdf = None
def fit(self, X, y):, y)
densities =, y).score_samples(X)
self.density_ecdf = scipy.stats.ecdf(densities).cdf.evaluate
return self
def predict(self, X):
class_probs = self.classifier.predict_proba(X)
density = self.density_estimator.score_samples(X)
density_quantile = self.density_ecdf(density)
return class_probs, density_quantile
: ExampleSimpleDDU
: ResultsDensity-based uncertainty:
Key Insight
Combining density estimation with deep learning provides efficient uncertainty estimation without sampling!
OOD detection and active learning approach uncertainty from complementary perspectives:
Key insight: While OOD detection asks “Is this sample valid?”, active learning asks “What can we learn from this sample?”
DDU works for AL because DDU’s experimental setup ensures that OoD detection and epistemic uncertainty are well-aligned (e.g., no far OoD data!).
The Bayesian ideal is to maintain a full posterior distribution over model parameters:
\[ \pof{\w \given \D} \]
This would allow us to:
Exact Bayesian inference is intractable for modern neural networks:
We cannot compute a density easily:
\[ \pof{\w \given \D} = \frac{\pof{\D \given \w} \pof{\w}}{\pof{\D}}, \]
requires \(\pof{\D} = \E{\pof{\w}}{\pof{\D \given \w}}\), which is intractable.
We cannot easily draw samples from the posterior either:
\[ \w \sim \pof{\w \given \D}. \]
Doing so requires MCMC or similar methods, which are computationally expensive and slow.
This leads us to approximations…
“The one to rule them all.”
—Andreas Kirsch, 2024/12/04
How can we do that?
Optimization Problem
\[ \min_{\qof{\w}} \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W \given \D}} \searrow 0. \]
Variational Inference (VI) is a method for approximating the posterior distribution \(\pof{\w \given \D}\) with a variational distribution \(\qof{\w}\).
When we use VI for the Bayesian posterior, we call it Variational Bayes (VB).
\[ \qcof{*}{\w} \in \arg \min_{\qof{\w}} \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W \given \D}}. \]
Also known as the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO) when using probabilities.
\[ \begin{aligned} &\Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W \given \D}} = \CrossEntropy{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W \given \D}} - \xHof{\qof{\W}} \end{aligned} \]
We have:
\[ \CrossEntropy{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W \given \D}} = \CrossEntropy{\qof{\W}}{\frac{\pof{\D \given \W} \pof{\W}}{\pof{\D}}} \]
So we get:
So we get:
\[ \begin{aligned} &\quad = \CrossEntropy{\qof{\W}}{\frac{\pof{\D \given \W} \pof{\W}}{\pof{\D}}} - \xHof{\qof{\W}} \\ &\quad = \CrossEntropy{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\D \given \W}} \\ &\quad \phantom{=} - \CrossEntropy{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\D}} \\ &\quad \phantom{=} + \CrossEntropy{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}} - \xHof{\qof{\W}} \\ \end{aligned} \]
We have:
\[ \begin{aligned} \CrossEntropy{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\D \given \W}} &= \E{\qof{\w}}{\Hof{\D \given \w}} \\ \CrossEntropy{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\D}} &= \xHof{\pof{\D}} = -\ln \pof{\D} \\ \CrossEntropy{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\w}} - \xHof{\qof{\W}} &= \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}}. \end{aligned} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} &\quad = \E{\qof{\w}}{\Hof{\D \given \w}} + \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}} - \xHof{\pof{\D}} \\ &\quad \ge 0. \end{aligned} \]
So, we have:
\[ \E{\qof{\w}}{\Hof{\D \given \w}} - \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}} \ge \xHof{\pof{\D}}. \]
This is the Evidence Bound!
\(\xHof{\pof{\D}}\) is independent of \(\qof{\w}\), so we can equivalently optimize:
\[ \begin{aligned} \min_{\qof{\w}} \; &\Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W \given \D}} \ge 0 \\ \iff \min_{\qof{\w}} \; &\E{\qof{\w}}{\Hof{\D \given \w}} - \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}} \ge \xHof{\pof{\D}}. \end{aligned} \]
Theorem 1 (Evidence Bound) For any distributions \(\qof{\w}\) and \(\pof{\w \given \D}\), we have:
\[ \begin{aligned} \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W \given \D}} &\ge 0 \\ \iff \E{\qof{\w}}{\Hof{\D \given \w}} + \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}} &\ge \xHof{\pof{\D}}, \end{aligned} \]
where \(\xHof{\pof{\D}}\) is independent of \(\qof{\w}\) with equality when \(\qof{\w} = \pof{\w \given \D}\).
Crucial: We can minimize the Evidence Bound without having to compute the intractable evidence.
Equivalently but more confusing by Kingma (2013):
Corollary 1 (Evidence Lower Bound) Using probabilities instead of information (i.e., \(-\log\) instead of \(\xHof{\cdot}\)), we get:
\[ \begin{aligned} \ln \pof{\D} &= \E{\qof{\w}}{\ln \pof{\D \given \w}} - \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}} \\ &\phantom{=} + \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W \given \D}} \\ &\ge \E{\qof{\w}}{\ln \pof{\D \given \w}} - \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}}. \end{aligned} \]
We can thus equally maximize: \[ \max_{\qof{\w}} \E{\qof{\w}}{\ln \pof{\D \given \w}} - \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}}. \]
Proof. Starting with the Evidence Bound:
\[ \E{\qof{\w}}{\Hof{\D \given \w}} + \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}} - \xHof{\pof{\D}} \ge 0 \]
Replace information with negative log probabilities: \[ \begin{aligned} \Hof{\D \given \w} &= -\ln \pof{\D \given \w} \\ \xHof{\pof{\D}} &= -\ln \pof{\D}. \end{aligned} \]
Substitute: \[ -\E{\qof{\w}}{\ln \pof{\D \given \w}} + \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}} + \ln \pof{\D} \ge 0. \]
Multiply by -1 (flips inequality): \[ \E{\qof{\w}}{\ln \pof{\D \given \w}} - \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}} \le \ln \pof{\D}. \]
This gives us the ELBO formulation that we maximize instead of minimize.
The Evidence Bound and ELBO are equivalent objectives:
one phrased in terms of information theory (which we minimize) and one phrased in terms of probabilities (which we maximize).
Let’s quickly recap the Evidence Bound derivation:
\[ \begin{aligned} &\Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W \given \D}} \\ &\quad = \CrossEntropy{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W \given \D}} - \xHof{\qof{\W}} \\ &\quad = \CrossEntropy{\qof{\W}}{\frac{\pof{\D \given \W} \pof{\W}}{\pof{\D}}} - \xHof{\qof{\W}} \\ &\quad = \E{\qof{\w}}{\Hof{\D \given \w}} - \xHof{\pof{\D}} + \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}} \\ &\quad \ge 0. \end{aligned} \]
Since KL divergence is non-negative:
\[ \E{\qof{\w}}{\Hof{\D \given \w}} + \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}} \ge \xHof{\pof{\D}}. \]
Mean Field Variational Inference (MFVI):
Mean Field VI approximates \(\pof{\w \given \D}\) with a factorized Gaussian:
\[ \qof{\w} = \prod_i \mathcal{N}(\w_i; \mu_i, \sigma_i^2). \]
The objective decomposes nicely under MFVI:
\[ \mathcal{L} = \E{\qof{\w}}{\xHof{\pof{\D \given \w}}} + \Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}}, \]
where the KL term has a closed form for Gaussians. For \(\pof{\w_i} = \mathcal{N}(\w_i; \mu_0, \sigma_0^2)\):
\[ \begin{aligned} &\Kale{\qof{\W}}{\pof{\W}} \\ &\quad = \sum_i \frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{\sigma_i^2}{\sigma_0^2} + \frac{(\mu_i - \mu_0)^2}{\sigma_0^2} - 1 - \log\frac{\sigma_i^2}{\sigma_0^2}\right). \end{aligned} \]
To get unbiased gradients, we reparameterize (Kingma 2013; Blundell et al. 2015):
\[ \w_i = \mu_i + \sigma_i \cdot \epsilon_i, \quad \epsilon_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1). \]
We can check that then still \(\w_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_i, \sigma_i^2)\).
This lets us backprop through the sampling process in the Evidence Bound.
Initialize \(\log \sigma_i\) around -3 to -4
Use a softplus transform to keep \(\sigma_i\) positive
The KL term often needs annealing during training:
During mini-batch updates, we can reweight the KL term, such that overall, its weight is \(1\), but at the beginning of training, it is higher, and at the end, it is lower. (Blundell et al. 2015, 5)
Based on Gal and Ghahramani (2016).
Dropout can be reinterpreted as performing VI with a specific variational distribution (with a single sample per training example):
\[ \W_i \sim \text{Bernoulli}(p) \cdot \frac{\mu_i}{p}. \]
where \(p\) is the keep probability and \(\mu_i\) is the parameter we learn.
Key insight: Dropout at test time approximates model averaging!
\[ \hat{y} \approx \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T f(x; \hat{\w}_t), \quad \hat{\w}_t \sim \qof{\w} \]
\[ \pof{\y \given \x} \approx \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T \underbrace{\text{softmax}(f(x; \hat{\w}_t))}_{\pof{\y \given \x, \hat{\w}_t}} \quad \hat{\w}_t \sim \qof{\w}. \]
Hence, the name Monte Carlo Dropout: we compute a Monte Carlo approximation of the model averaging expectation:
\[ \pof{\y \given \x, \D} \approx \E{\qof{\w}}{\pof{\y \given \x, \w}} \approx \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T \text{softmax}(f(x; \hat{\w}_t)), \quad \hat{\w}_t \sim \qof{\w}. \]
Get predictive uncertainty for regression without noise by:
Get predictive uncertainty for classification by:
Predictive distribution:
\[ \pof{\y \given \x, \D} \approx \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T \underbrace{\text{softmax}(f(x; \hat{\w}_t))}_{\pof{\y \given \x, \hat{\w}_t}}, \quad \hat{\w}_t \sim \qof{\w} \]
Predictive entropy:
\[ \Hof{\Y \given \x, \D} \approx \xHof{\frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T \pof{\y \given \x, \hat{\w}_t}}, \quad \hat{\w}_t \sim \qof{\w} \]
Aleatoric uncertainty:
\[ \Hof{\Y \given \x, \W, \D} \approx \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T \xHof{\pof{\y \given \x, \hat{\w}_t}}, \quad \hat{\w}_t \sim \qof{\w} \]
Epistemic uncertainty:
\[ \begin{aligned} \MIof{\Y, \W \given \x, \D} &= \Hof{\Y \given \x, \D} - \Hof{\Y \given \x, \W, \D} \\ &\approx \xHof{\frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T \pof{\y \given \x, \hat{\w}_t}} \\ &\phantom{\approx} - \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T \xHof{\pof{\y \given \x, \hat{\w}_t}}, \quad \hat{\w}_t \sim \qof{\w} \end{aligned} \]
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from typing import Tuple
def sample_predictions(model, x: torch.Tensor, n_samples: int = 30) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Get samples from the predictive distribution.
model: Neural network with dropout/sampling capability
x: Input tensor of shape (batch_size, ...)
n_samples: Number of Monte Carlo samples
Tensor of shape (n_samples, batch_size, n_classes) containing log_softmax outputs
model.train() # Enable dropout
samples = torch.stack([
model(x) # Assuming model outputs log_softmax
for _ in range(n_samples)
return samples
def compute_predictive_distribution(log_probs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Compute mean predictive distribution from samples.
log_probs: Tensor of shape (n_samples, batch_size, n_classes)
Mean probabilities of shape (batch_size, n_classes)
return torch.exp(log_probs).mean(dim=0)
def torch_entropy(probs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Compute entropy of probability distributions.
probs: Tensor of shape (..., n_classes)
Entropy of each distribution
entropy = -probs * torch.log(probs)
# Replace NaNs (from 0 * log(0)) with 0
entropy = torch.nan_to_num(entropy, nan=0.0)
return entropy.sum(dim=-1)
def compute_uncertainties(log_probs: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]:
"""Compute different uncertainty measures from samples.
log_probs: Tensor of shape (n_samples, batch_size, n_classes)
predictive_distribution: Mean probabilities across samples
total_uncertainty: Predictive entropy
aleatoric_uncertainty: Expected entropy of individual predictions
epistemic_uncertainty: Mutual information (total - aleatoric)
# Get probabilities from log_softmax
probs = torch.exp(log_probs)
# Compute predictive distribution
pred_dist = probs.mean(dim=0)
# Compute uncertainties
total_uncertainty = torch_entropy(pred_dist)
aleatoric_uncertainty = torch_entropy(probs).mean(dim=0)
epistemic_uncertainty = total_uncertainty - aleatoric_uncertainty
return (
Case | Predicted Class | Confidence | Total Uncertainty | Aleatoric Uncertainty | Epistemic Uncertainty |
Confident | 0 | 1.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Aleatoric | 0 | 0.336 | 1.099 | 1.083 | 0.016 |
Epistemic | 1 | 0.346 | 1.098 | 0.014 | 1.084 |
What is \(\HofHessian{\wstar}\) though?
We write \(\HofJacobian{\cdot}\) and \(\HofHessian{\cdot}\) for the Jacobian and Hessian of the negative log probability of \(\cdot\).
\[ \begin{aligned} \HofJacobian{\cdot} &\coloneqq \nabla_{\w} [\Hof{\cdot}] \\ \HofHessian{\cdot} &\coloneqq \nabla^2_{\w} [\Hof{\cdot}]. \end{aligned} \]
We write \(\HofJacobian{\cdot}\) and \(\HofHessian{\cdot}\) for the Jacobian and Hessian of the negative log probability of \(\cdot\).
\[ \begin{aligned} \HofJacobian{\cdot} &\coloneqq \nabla_{\w} [\Hof{\cdot}] = -\nabla_{\w} \log \pof{\cdot} \\ \HofHessian{\cdot} &\coloneqq \nabla^2_{\w} [\Hof{\cdot}] = -\nabla^2_{\w} \log \pof{\cdot}. \end{aligned} \]
Around the information content of \(\wstar\):
\[ \begin{aligned} &- \log \pof{\w \given \D} \\ &\quad \approx - \log \pof{\wstar \given \D} \\ &\quad \phantom{\approx} + (\w - \wstar)^T \nabla_{\w} [-\log \pof{\wstar \given \D}] \\ &\quad \phantom{\approx}+ \frac{1}{2}(\w - \wstar)^T \nabla^2_{\w} [-\log \pof{\wstar \given \D}] (\w - \wstar) \\ &\quad \phantom{\approx}+ \mathcal{O}(\|\w - \wstar\|^3). \end{aligned} \]
For a quadratic form, we can complete the square:
\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{1}{2} x^T A x + b^T x + c &= \frac{1}{2}(x + A^{-1}b)^T A (x + A^{-1}b) \\ &\phantom{=} - \frac{1}{2}b^T A^{-1}b + c \\ &= \frac{1}{2}(x - \mu)^T A (x - \mu) + \text{const}, \end{aligned} \]
with \(\mu \coloneqq -A^{-1}b\).
\[ \begin{aligned} &\phantom{=} -\log \pof{\wstar} + \nabla_{\w}[-\log \pof{\wstar}](\w - \wstar) + \frac{1}{2}(\w - \wstar)^T \nabla^2_{\w}[-\log \pof{\wstar}] (\w - \wstar) \\ &= -\log \pof{\wstar} + \frac{1}{2}\left[2\nabla_{\w}[-\log \pof{\wstar}](\w - \wstar) + (\w - \wstar)^T \nabla^2_{\w}[-\log \pof{\wstar}] (\w - \wstar)\right] \\ &= -\log \pof{\wstar} + \frac{1}{2}\left[(\w - \mu)^T \nabla^2_{\w}[-\log \pof{\wstar}] (\w - \mu)\right] + \text{const} \end{aligned} \]
where \(\mu \coloneqq \wstar - \nabla^2_{\w}[-\log \pof{\wstar}]^{-1}\nabla_{\w}[-\log \pof{\wstar}]\) will be the mean of the Gaussian.
Now using the notation with \(\HofJacobian{\cdot}\) and \(\HofHessian{\cdot}\):
\[ \begin{aligned} \Hof{\w} &= \Hof{\wstar} + \HofJacobian{\wstar}(\w - \wstar) \\ &\quad + \frac{1}{2}(\w - \wstar)^T \HofHessian{\wstar} (\w - \wstar) \\ &\quad + \mathcal{O}(\|\w - \wstar\|^3). \end{aligned} \]
For a quadratic form with our notation:
\[ \begin{aligned} \Hof{\w} &= \Hof{\wstar} + \HofJacobian{\wstar}(\w - \wstar) \\ &\quad + \frac{1}{2}(\w - \wstar)^T \HofHessian{\wstar} (\w - \wstar) \\ &\quad + \mathcal{O}(\|\w - \wstar\|^3). \end{aligned} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{1}{2} x^T A x + b^T x + c &= \frac{1}{2}(x + A^{-1}b)^T A (x + A^{-1}b) \\ &\phantom{=} - \frac{1}{2}b^T A^{-1}b + c \\ &= \frac{1}{2}(x - \mu)^T A (x - \mu) + \text{const}, \end{aligned} \]
with \(\mu \coloneqq -A^{-1}b\).
\[ \begin{aligned} \Hof{\w} &= \frac{1}{2}(\w - \mu)^T \HofHessian{\wstar} (\w - \mu) \\ &\quad + \text{const} + \mathcal{O}(\|\w - \wstar\|^3), \end{aligned} \]
where \(\mu \coloneqq \wstar - \HofHessian{\wstar}^{-1}\HofJacobian{\wstar}\).
Turning this into a probability distribution:
\[ \begin{aligned} &\pof{\w} = \exp(-\Hof{\w}) \\ &\quad \approx \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}(\w - \mu)^T \HofHessian{\wstar} (\w - \mu) + \text{ const} \right), \end{aligned} \]
with \(\mu \coloneqq \wstar - \HofHessian{\wstar}^{-1}\HofJacobian{\wstar}\).
This matches the form of a Gaussian with mean \(\wstar\) and covariance \(\HofHessian{\wstar \given \D}^{-1}\) up to a constant:
This matches the form of a Gaussian with mean \(\wstar\) and covariance \(\HofHessian{\wstar \given \D}^{-1}\) up to a constant:
\[ \begin{aligned} \qof{\w} &= \mathcal{N}(\wstar - \HofHessian{\wstar}^{-1}\HofJacobian{\wstar}, \HofHessian{\wstar}^{-1}) \\ &\propto \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}(\w - \mu)^T \HofHessian{\wstar} (\w - \mu) + \text{ const} \right) \\ &\approx \pof{\w}. \end{aligned} \]
The Laplace approximation is the Gaussian distribution that best approximates the information content of \(\pof{\w}\) using the second-order Taylor expansion.
\[ \qof{\w} = \mathcal{N}(\wstar - \HofHessian{\wstar}^{-1}\HofJacobian{\wstar}, \HofHessian{\wstar}^{-1}). \]
The Laplace approximation for the posterior at \(\wstar\)gives us:
\[ \pof{\w \given \D} \approx \mathcal{N}(\wstar - \HofHessian{\wstar \given \D}^{-1}\HofJacobian{\wstar \given \D}, \HofHessian{\wstar \given \D}^{-1}) \]
The MAP estimate is the \(\wstar\) that minimizes the objective \(\Hof{\w \given \D}\).
Hence, \(\HofJacobian{\wstar} = 0.\), and we have
\[ \Hof{\w \given \D} \approx \frac{1}{2}(\w - \wstar)^T \HofHessian{\wstar \given \D} (\w - \wstar) + \text{ const }. \]
Therefore, the Laplace approximation for the posterior at \(\wstar\) simplifies to: \[ \pof{\w \given \D} \approx \mathcal{N}(\wstar, \HofHessian{\wstar \given \D}^{-1}). \]
Using Bayes’ rule:
\[ \begin{aligned} \HofHessian{\wstar \given \D} &= \HofHessian{\D \given \wstar} + \HofHessian{\wstar} \\ &= \text{likelihood Hessian} + \text{prior Hessian} \end{aligned} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} \HofHessian{\wstar \given \D} &= \HofHessian{\frac{\pof{\D \given \wstar} \pof{\wstar}}{\pof{\D}}} \\ &= \HofHessian{\pof{\D \given \wstar}} + \HofHessian{\pof{\wstar}} - \HofHessian{\pof{\D}} \\ &= \HofHessian{\D \given \wstar} + \HofHessian{\wstar} + 0 \end{aligned} \]
\(\HofHessian{\D}\) is independent of \(\w\), so the Jacobian and Hessian vanish.
The likelihood Hessian is the Hessian of the negative log likelihood of the data given the parameters:
\[ \begin{aligned} \HofHessian{\D \given \w} &= \nabla^2_{\w} \left[ - \log \pof{\D \given \w} \right] \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^n \nabla^2_{\w} \left[ - \log \pof{\y_i \given \x_i, \w} \right]. \end{aligned} \]
Now, we have all the ingredients to compute the Laplace approximation for the posterior.
We compute the prior Hessian \(\HofHessian{\wstar}\) and the likelihood Hessian \(\HofHessian{\D \given \wstar}\) and together they give us the Laplace approximation for the posterior.
def apply_laplace_approximation(model, train_loader):
"""Apply Laplace approximation using GGN"""
la = Laplace(
# Fit and optimize
return la
For better numerical stability, we often approximate:
\[ \begin{aligned} \HofHessian{\y \given \x, \wstar} &\approx \HofHessian{\Y \given \x, \wstar} \\ &\coloneqq \E{\pof{\y \given \x, \wstar}}{\HofHessian{\y \given \x, \wstar}}. \end{aligned} \]
This ensures positive definiteness of the Hessian approximation.
\(\HofHessian{\Y \given \x, \wstar}\) is often easier to compute than \(\HofHessian{\w \given \D}\).
There exist simple closed-form solutions for many common likelihoods.
For Gaussian regression with variance \(\sigma^2\):
\[ \y \sim \mathcal{N}(f(\x, \wstar), \sigma^2), \]
the Fisher Information is:
\[ \begin{aligned} \HofHessian{\Y \given \x, \wstar} = \frac{1}{\sigma^2} \nabla f(\x, \wstar) \nabla f(\x, \wstar)^\top, \end{aligned} \]
where \(f(\x, \wstar)\) is the network output at the MAP estimate.
For multi-class classification with softmax likelihood:
\[ \y \sim \text{Cat}(\text{softmax}(f(\x, \wstar))), \]
we have:
\[ \newcommand{\J}{\mathbf{J}} \newcommand{\p}{\mathbf{p}} \begin{aligned} \HofHessian{\Y \given \x, \wstar} &= \J^\top \text{diag}(\p) \J - \J^\top(\p\p^\top)\J, \end{aligned} \]
The quantity \(\HofHessian{\Y \given \x, \wstar}\) is also known as the Fisher Information.
Definition 2 The Fisher Information is the expected Hessian of the negative log likelihood of the data given the parameters:
\[ \HofHessian{\Y \given \x, \wstar} \coloneqq \E{\pof{\y \given \x, \wstar}}{\HofHessian{\y \given \x, \wstar}}. \]
The quantity \(\HofHessian{\y \given \x, \wstar}\) is also known as the observed Information.
Definition 3 The Observed Information is the Hessian of the negative log likelihood of the data given the parameters:
\[ \HofHessian{\y \given \x, \wstar} \coloneqq \nabla^2_{\w} \left[ - \log \pof{\y \given \x, \w} \right]. \]
Uncertainty quantification is crucial for deploying ML systems responsibly!
The paper 🪧 by Hüllermeier and Waegeman (2021) gives a great overview of the different types of uncertainty and how to estimate them. Beyond Bayesian methods, it also covers conformal prediction and credal sets as alternative approaches in an introductory manner.
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